Friday, October 8, 2010


Primitive Sugar Cones

On Fridays I am going to recycle past posting. This will give new followers a chance to see them and the older followers to find them once again.

How To Make Primitive Sugar Cones:

In the Early Colonies, sugar was a very valuable commodity, available to only the wealthiest families. When used, small bits of sugar would be snipped with sugar nippers, or carefully scraped from the cone by the Lady of the house. In order to make the best impression for guests, sugar cones were often brought to the table displayed on a pewter plate or on the family's best pottery.

There are many recipes and methods to create a sugar cone. Following is the EASIEST process to make a replica of a sugar cone for display. There is no cooking involved, so it is fast and easy to do and cleanup is a snap.

Equipment Needed

Mixing bowl
Your mold ~ this can be almost anything that has the shape you want. My favorite molds to use include a large beer glass and a tiny round pan to make the sugar cakes. You can also use old pudding molds, sugar molds (really?)... Small flat plate or pan
Your clean hands -the most important tool you have!


1 lb of Sugar - You can use white, light brown or dark brown or some combination of the three.


Mix sugar (or sugars) in bowl with your hands to insure that any lumps are removed.
Run your hands under the faucet and move immediately to your mixing bowl. Sprinkle the water from your hands into the bowl of sugar - do this a couple of times.
Using your hands, mix the drops of water through the sugar.
Firmly pack the barely moistened sugar into your mold. It is better to pack a small bit at a time rather than filling the entire mold immediately. This will insure that your sugar is solid in the mold.
Invert your mold over the flat plate or pan to release the molded sugar.
Set aside and allow to "dry" for 24-48 hours (depending on ambient temperature and humidity.) If you make more than one at a time, be sure that you thoroughly clean your "mold" between moldings.


Sugar cones were traditionally wrapped in blue paper. Frugal ladies are said to have once soaked said paper - using the resulting blue bath to dye textiles. I have also used white paper, but my favorite wrapping is dyed cheesecloth. Since you can easily leave a portion of the molded sugar visible, the resulting combination of textures is very pleasing visually.

Of course, the more you do it, the easier it will be, but that is all there is to it! Have fun

Memo: SFGTD Box
From: GOD
Reference: LIFE

This is God.
Today I will be handling ALL of your problems for you.
I do not need your help.
So, have a nice day.

And, remember...If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it yourself!
Kindly put it in the SFGTD
(Something For God To Do) box.
I will get to it in MY TIME.
All situations will be resolved,
but in My TIME, not yours.
Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it.
Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
Should you decide to share this memo with a friend;
Thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know!
Now, you have a nice day.

I love you,



  1. Well, I'm glad you recucled that post! I need to make some of those and I'd forgotten how! Thanks!

    Any advice on how to dye cheesecloth?

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I've been wanting to do some of these for a while now and I've have saved this post to my favorites box. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. for the one pictured, did you use brown sugar?
    I tried with a mix of white and brown and it didn't really look prim. I have one that I bought, I think it must be all brown sugar. I really like the one you did, and was just wondering before I waste a whole bunch of sugar

