Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am starting a Monthly Giveaway. I will be drawing names from
followers that comment. The drawings will be on the 1st of each month!

Sending a bunch of Prim Dried Carrots with some Dried Grass to a lucky FOLLOWER that has commented during February!
These will be perfect for your Spring Decor. Remember each new posting you comment on, will be another chance for you to win the Prim Dried Carrots & Dried Grass


Just in time for Valentines Day. Make these inexpensive paper roses to give to family & friends.



Box of disposable cone coffee filters (8 filters will make one full bloom rose)
Coffee filter rose templates TEMPLATES!
Go to
16-gauge floral wire
Floral tape
Water color paint
Flat brush
Bamboo skewer
Glue stick


1. Trace and cut petal shapes through both layers of filters, as per templates.
2. Form rose. With coffee filter No. 1, take four connected petals and poke an 18-inch length of 16-gauge floral wire down through the center of the bottom of one end petal so 1/2 inch of the wire remains sandwiched between two opposite petals.
3. Wrap adjacent two petals tightly around first two petals; wrap with floral tape around base, then 1/2 inch down wire, to secure.
4. When working with floral tape, pull it as you work to expose the sticky part of the tape.
5. With coffee filter No. 2, take four connected petals and sandwich "flower bud" between two opposite petals. On the adjacent petal pair, gently tear the perforation of the base so that you have a strip of 2 side-by-side petals. Wrap this petal strip around the other two petals and secure with tape.
6. With coffee filter No. 3, take four connected petals and gently tear the perforation at the base to create a strip of four petals. Wrap this petal strip around flower bud and secure with tape.

7. With coffee filter No. 4, gently tear the perforation at the base of petal shapes to create a strip of five petals. Wrap this petal strip around flower bud and secure with tape. (The folded petal gives rose stability and a more rounded form.)
8. With coffee filter No. 5, place three petals, overlapping slightly on rose and wrap just once (to avoid bulk) with floral tape to secure.
9. Wrap remaining three petals opposite the first three. Repeat for shapes cut from filters Nos. 6, 7, and 8. Use finger and thumb to separate petals, creating air pockets and making petals curve outward from the base. Use 3 or 4 extra single petals to fill in holes and give a rounded shape.
10. To paint the roses, use watercolor paints, mixed with a bit of water. Paint the base color, first doing the bottom, then the top, working from the inside out. Accentuate with a darker color on the tips. Use a flat brush to apply a third color of undiluted watercolor to edges. Let dry overnight.
11. Once painted roses are dry, curl left and right sides of outer petals around a bamboo skewer to create a point. Work your way from the outside to the inside of rose. Curl inner petals just slightly by wrapping top straight down around bamboo skewer.


12. Add five paper sepals secured with floral tape to short stem. Wrap floral tape in a spiral down wire stem several times to create a thick roselike stem. Burnish stem with skewer to smooth tape. Cut 6 paper leaves and sandwich a 4-inch wire between. Use a glue stick to stick 6 leaves together with a 4-inch wire stem.
13. Secure leaves to stem with floral tape.


"Van Gogh" brand water color paint. Green fibrous paper used to make sepals and leaves is from paper zone, For the Princess Diana rose base color, we used a diluted cream (a mix of "white" and "yellow ochre"); for the tips and edges, use diluted "permanent rose." for the Peace Rose base color, use diluted "cadmium lemon yellow" and "titanium white"; for the tips and edges, use diluted "permanent rose." Recommended filter brands include Connaisseur and Western Family.
From Martha Stewart


There just had to be a simpler way to make coffee filter flowers. We went from Martha Stewart (time consuming), to tissue paper (not so realistic). Thought, there must be an easier/faster way. Here's what we come up with

1. take a stack of regular basket style coffee filter (the cheaper, the better)

2. fold them in half

3. cut out a half heart shape (like we did in elementary school) by following the half circle made by your fold (you now have a stack of petals)

4. use the leftover ring to cut a stack of vaguely shaped teardrops (I say vaguely because you don't have to be precise)

5. use a hot glue gun to glue a fan of 4-5 teardrops ( the closer your tearsrops, the tighter your bud will be)

6. now make a cone with your teardrop fan and glue the ends together ( you can make about 3 of these fans to nest into one another)

7. use the same cone/nesting technique for your heart shaped petals (i found that about 3-4 fans of petals make a very full bloom)

8. you can now glue down any floppy petals, but make sure to go only half way up the heart so you have enough flexability to curl after coloring

We experimented with alot of methods in coloring the roses and found that:

Fabric dye is the most vibrant (just mix it up and dunk em' in)

Food coloring is the most realistic (you can double dip your roses for colored tips)

By coloring the edge of the roses with a wax crayon pre assembly, you can get a pretty two toned effect

Time for each assembled rose: about 5 min


  1. I looove these dried prim carrots...yay...can't wait for the giveaways...

  2. What a great idea. Have to try the c filter roses! thank you! And can't wait for the giveaways too!

  3. pretty roses...I've made fabric ones but these are just as pretty, maybe more so..enter me in the giveaway too....hugs from California

  4. Hi Sue,
    I just found your blog and I LOVE it!

    I can't wait to read on past posts, I found it when I googled how to make sugar cones.

    Thanks for the great tutorial!

    I will be following, and I LOVE the carrots and greens, I will be coming back for a chance at that!

    Prim Blessin's

  5. The Carrots are something new to me...erm not carrots as but never seen them like that. I shall have to comment more often and not just read on your Blog now:)

  6. Giveaways are always fun. I've never seen dried prim carrots before. Very cool!
    I had to make a double-take on the rose photo when you said it was made of coffee filters. Wow, it's pretty amazing! Thanks for the easier version. I'm much more likely to try that.
    Patricia :o)

  7. Nice tutorial and give away..Please count me in for the give away..I would love the carrots to go with my fur bunny I am making.
    Hop on over to my blog and leave a comment to be entered in my give away :)

  8. I love the carrots.
    Sue, you are so clever!!!
    The roses look so real. I'll have to try some.

  9. Hi there! New follower here. Found your blog within the last week or so, and HAD to follow! Funny I saw this tut for the coffee filter rose this evening. I JUST tinted 50 unbleached coffee filters this morning to prepare for a new craft project---just to discover I didn't have the styrofoam I needed! lol Oh well, stuffed away for another day and time.

    I had to take a good close look at the picture of the rose, and just can't get over the fact that it STILL looks so REAL! Gorgeous, too! Thanks so much for sharing. I ♥ it! ~M

  10. I love the roses Sue if you don't mind I'd like to use the tutorial in the valentines issue of Down The Primitive Path Ezine I will give you full credit for the tutorial along with your blog link.

    Please enter me into the giveaway

  11. What a wonderful tutorial, thank you so much! And what a great idea for your giveaway, I'll be back LOTS in February so I will have lots of chances to win your wonderful carrots. Thanks for entering my giveaway, I'm following you now as well and so glad I found your blog!

  12. You come up with the most interesting ideas. Great recipes and now prim carrots! That rose is a beauty too. Thanks Sue.

  13. Those carrots are great, I have never seen anything like them. and great idea for the coffee filter roses... might have to try those.
    Happy Friday

  14. Love the rose. Beautiful...
